He has a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Food Economics from the University of Padova. He has been Chair of the Local Organization Committee of the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economist, which took place in Milan in August 2015. His research interests focus on two main topics: international trade; political economy of agricultural and trade policy. He published more than 60 papers in peer review international journals, books and book chapters. He has been consultant for different national and international institutions like FAO, World Bank and the European Commission. He participated in different national and international research projects, and he has been PI of two FP7 projects (Factor Markets and COMPETE), one Horizon project (Strength2Food) and one European Commission Tender. He has supervised 9 PhD students and more than 60 MSc and BSc students. Bibliometric indicators: Google scholar: h-index 18, citations 948; Research gate: h-index: 12, Citation 434; Scopus: h-index 10, citations 258.
Personal webpage: Alessandro Olper